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Roger Haskins, Ph.D.

Adjunct for Ministry



Ph.D. (with a concentration in Organization Development), The Union Institute and University, 2010

M.A. (Religion), Eastern Nazarene College, 1986

B.A. (Religion/Philosophy), Roberts Wesleyan College, 1981


Founder and Lead Pastor of Eastside Church in Fairport, NY

Specialty Areas:

- Executive administrative leadership identifying, developing, and mentoring leaders in a multicultural context

- Travel to 26 countries, developing a keen insight into cultural diversity as well as international leadership and organizational dynamics

- Leadership and change focused on the church

- Starting new churches, guiding unhealthy churches to health, and serving as lead pastor over multi-staffed larged churches

Sample publications/presentations:

In these various roles, Roger has had numerous articles published. 

Courses Taught

MIN 350 Ministry & Mission in the Global Church